Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pursuit of Making Money - Older Than Dirt

How long have men and women been in hot pursuit of making a buck? Even since before the dawn of printed currency. So much of our existence is preoccupied with earning enough money to sustain our families, and our lives in general. I wish it weren't this way. But it's what propels me onward, and hopefully, upward.

Many have even chosen to minimize their lifestyles so that money is not at the top of their priority list. If only I could achieve that. But alas, I have chosen to make earning money a top goal of mine: to become financially solvent, debt free, and able to afford some of the good things in life, however you'd like to define them. I admit, I am one driven guy. But, my goal also includes you. What good is becoming successful without being able to share the way I'm doing it with others? And, I think "The Way" is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate yourself with the right company or companies at the right time and you could certainly be well on your way toward a reliable stream or streams of income.

I'm not talking about being able to afford fast cars and McMansions. I'm talking about not ever having to worry about debt. Living within my means is the target. But, in order to do that, you have to adjust "means" to the amount of money you can consistently make over time. There's no magical formula. I just want to be able to pay all my bills, stop using wasteful and deceitful credit cards, with enough left over to save for emergencies and rainy days. Maybe what I'm really searching for is financial peace of mind.

Yes, this may all be wishful thinking, but I believe anything is possible, even in the economic free-fall that has become the norm, unfortunately. Part of my quest is wanting "it" bad enough. If you've decided to throw in the towel, stop reading right now.

But, if you are willing to give it a go, and refuse to give in to uncertainty, fear and all the downright ugly news coming at you every day, you'll always stand a chance. That has pretty much been the mindset of so many Americans throughout our history, not to mention the successes of many others around the world. You've got to insist on being in the game in order to succeed at it. Otherwise, it becomes a nauseating experience reading about everybody else's success stories.

So, what you've got to do, if you're determined to become a "player," is to begin the wholesale search for what it is you'd like to do in order to earn enough money doing what you like. And, if you can do it at home, well all the better, to be sure. That's certainly how I'm proceeding. With the advent of the Internet, the world of possibilities is literally endless. But, with that potential comes lots of risk. Make sure only to become involved with a business or enterprise online that is transparent, legitimate, fair and honest.

It's not always easy to determine these things, but with enough investigation you can come to a pragmatic conclusion on whether to jump in or not. First things first: never spend a dime if you can help it. I know for a fact that you can certainly succeed online without having to fork over any fees. That does not mean you should never do this, but it is a good place to start. Test the waters. If you only invest your time (and I'm not downplaying the fact this is a very valuable commodity in itself), then you can rest assured that you're not going to become a part of something ludicrous out there.

If I can do this and achieve success, well my friends, so can you.

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